Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 17: Apakah Matematika Kontradiktif? (Bagian Ketujuh)

Nita Dewi Rahmawati
NIM: 10313244015
Pend.Matematika (Internasional) 2010

There are two principles that apply in the world , they are identity and contradictionFrom what I've readthat mathematics is a sciencemathematics not only has the principle of identity, but the mathematics should have the principle of contradictionBecause, in the mathematics certainly have things that are contradictoryAs an example in this elegythat 3 +4 =7 the result is not necessarily depends on space and timeThe linkage of space and time was so important as to be able to spit out the Logicist that if they are consistent in total, so that they get is the fact that the law of identity can not fully explain the science that will be deliveredBut the principle is this contradictionthe science that will be delivered can be explained very wellImmanuel Kant concluded that it's actually true science is contradictoryWhile mathematics is a scienceso it can be concluded mathematics is the contradiction.

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