Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Study of International Mathematics Education with Mr. Marsigit

Globalization era is well-marked with tight rivalry on every sector. Every individual not only compete in national level, but also in international level. To make hold out and can adapt with the development of science and technology to face it, every individual must renovating their quality. The superiority of human resource will determine the viability, development, and become the winner in tight on this global era continuously which supported by strong technology as the characteristics of effectively school.
Yesterday, on Monday, Mr. Marsigit gave us time to write 5 questions about study of international mathematics education. Here I reviewed the explanation.
1. How to find the internationalization shape of mathematics education in Indonesia?
We know that the highest culture in Indonesia is spiritualism. We have no need to making reference the United States about the culture, because our culture was indisputable. There is a philosopher told that, religion was on the center. It shows that it is follow capitalism. Religion is irrational for specific case, but it is also consist of rational. Irrational is trade on mind. Example to define the early or the first of Syawwal month, we use technology to religious cultured. The answer of the question above is we must high mind, reach what something that axis, and use it to construct our culture.
2. How about the language for RSBI (that using English language), it is not run over Indonesian culture?
Take an example of Japanese. The students and teachers using Japan language when the teaching-learning activity. According to International standard, they fulfill it in ontology’s or substance. Different with Indonesian, they just fulfill the epistemology or technique or strategy. So, they are not fulfilling International standard. In Indonesia, Indonesian can speak in English to show that they have intended to go International. Whereas like Japan, Korea, China still using their own language (not using English) but they can fulfill the International standard.
3. Is there a view of adaptive theorem for mathematics education in Indonesia?
We talk about the dimension and level, what must we take from international standard are the basic pillars which occur universal. They are the nature, the method, and the profit.
4. Is the mathematics education in Indonesia popular in foreign country?
No, it is not. The baked still far from fire, the example is Mathematics Olympiad. The students who join that Olympiad not assure the quality of the education. Because before the Olympiad that student was isolate and must learn about the material that will be tested. Olympiad based on Mr.Marsigit just to get icon, impression, temporary achievement but not imperishable. The best method to make mathematics in Indonesia popular is by follow the International journal of mathematics education. Mathematics education in Indonesia is still far away from other country, still uncultured. Indonesian is as the immigrant nation, multicultural, and tolerant. It is different with Japan, China, India that fanatic. From the humanism side tolerant is good, but the object is not smart. The problem for Indonesia is they do not know their selves. Tolerant means have not standing, outside aspect easily entered. Example the girls in Indonesia really like Super Junior, whereas the boys in Indonesia are handsome like the personals of Super Junior. Indonesia loses with other country in systemic. Indonesian people who smart become people which compete to get profit for other country.
5. Is International Standard School need for Indonesia? How about the costing?
The International of mathematics education was based on level that is bands marking. By effort, learn the aspect, theory, paradigm, and philosophy. The RSBI or Pioneer of International Standard School is not the goal for internationalization, but it is as instrument or medium. Usual School becomes National Standard School (SSN) then Pioneer of International Standard School (RSBI) and the last is International Standard School (SBI). An usual school can be SSN if fulfill the 8 National Standard of Education based on Regulation of government (PP) of Republic Indonesia number 19 on year 2005, they are: Substance standard, Process standard, Graduate competence standard, Teacher and labor education standard, Medium and infrastructure standard, Management standard, Costing standard, and Education evaluation standard. On 2006 period RSBI axis as the follow up from SSN, and this year 2012 become period to evaluate the RSBI can be SBI or not. With formula SSN+X. Then X getting from plus value for every 8 National Standard of Education and others elements which also important like peoples support and finance. Example for government the SBI become icon, pride, and need for the region. Then appoint the member of Indonesian legislative assembly (DPR), entrepreneurs become the school committee. About the costing, if a school becomes SBI the Operational Helpful for School (BOS) donation will be deleted. SBI related with autodidact costing, and also about accountability and sustainability. The teacher in Indonesia must show their accountability to the National and International. The system in Japan is accountable although they used Japan language. A teacher called accountable if they using lesson study, teacher open minded, can share with other teachers, and when they teach other teacher can watch it. Sustainability tell that innovation can continue do, other word is have, still, and will always use it.
6. What we need to change our mind set?
Remember the nature of mathematics and school mathematics. The nature of mathematics: Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships, Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention, Mathematics is problem solving activities, and Mathematics is a main of communicating. According to (Ebbut and Straker, 1995) the nature of school mathematics are the student learn Mathematics effectively if they have good motivation and perception, the student will learn mathematics individually, the student can learn Mathematics in collaboration with others, and the student learn Mathematics contextually. About problem solving activities, appropriate with teachers in Japan who authoritative, dominate, stick out, and delivery teaching. Learning to be is easy to pronounce but difficult to understanding. Make mathematics as yourself. Process must be through and must be done. Learning can called constructivism. All of the problems in our life construct belief, love, religion, mathematics education, knowledge, etc.

As teacher in future, we must collect many methods dynamist and flexible. The teacher as observer, facilitator, dynamist, development the curriculum, and not dominate again. Teachers in Indonesia still use expository method, we must promote discussion, investigation, problem solving, and using teaching aid, and practice in laboratory. Why the teacher in Indonesia still difficult to innovation? The answer is because they are still teaching the normal mathematics or axiomatic. We must move on become mathematics teacher who can promote school mathematics.


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