21st century the world of education in Indonesia become sensational
because of awareness about backwardness danger of education in Indonesia. One
of it is the globalization wave that very strong and open-ended. The
progression of technology and changed gave new awareness that Indonesia not
most exists. Indonesia was in the middle of new world, open-ended world so
people will free compare their live with other country. What we are felt now is
fact of having fallen behind in quality of education after compare it with
other country.
Some observer found that learning mathematics
by hold on procedural caused negative response to students. Learning
mathematics which oriented on psychology of attitude and structure, which is hold
on drill. Earth learning in mathematics applies now by government by Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) and decision of Standar Proses Pendidikan in
Permen Diknas No. 41 year 2007. Process of teaching-learning which holding on problem
solving, open-ended, communication in science and technology context. It is
hard, because since in primary school formed belief that hold on reading,
writing, and calculating. Just oriented on calculate ability, so the learning
become will hold on result and reject the process. This mathematics process in
United States consist of problem solving, reasonable and proofing,
communication, make correlation, and make mathematics representation. If this
ability was demand just for calculating and the problem in final exam has
massive characteristic which just asking the calculation or ability of
procedural, so this learning which done by teacher in class just rely on “talk
and chalk”, focused on drill and concern in final result rather than the
process. National Final Exam determining a student can graduate or not from
the school based on the score of the exam. Whereas along six years (Primary
School) and three years (Junior/Senior High School) they studied, evaluation
does not from the process but from the score of National Final Exam. It is not
fair, but the government still defends it. And it makes Indonesian who smart
become people which compete to get profit for other country. Teaching-learning mathematics must go on from
“learning how to know” to “learning how to learn”.
In learning mathematics, students often find difficulty.
It shows that the students understanding of the concept is wrong. As a result, student
achievement both nationally and
internationally has not been encouraging.
The low student achievement
caused by factors that have problems in comprehensive
or partial. While
the teachers who served as manager of learning are
often not able to convey the subject matter meaningful to students, and also
seem monotonous delivery regardless of the potential and creativity of students so that students
feel bored because
the students are only considered
as an empty bottle ready to be filled with the subject matter. This suggests that the learning
of mathematics teacher should use teaching
methods that are varied and adapted
to students so that students better
understand the material presented and the student is more
impressed with the
learning that has been delivered
and the students will more easily remember
and not forget the things they learned.
We know that the
highest culture in Indonesia is spiritualism. Religion is irrational for
specific case, but it is also consist of rational. Irrational is trade on mind.
Example to define the early or the first of Syawwal month, we use technology to
religious cultured. So, we must high mind, reach what something that axis, and
use it to construct our culture. Mathematics education in Indonesia is not
popular in foreign country. Mathematics education in Indonesia is still far
away from other country, still uncultured. The problem for Indonesia is they do
not know their selves. Tolerant means have not standing, outside aspect easily
the mathematics teachers move on from traditional paradigm to innovative
paradigm. The teacher as
observer, facilitator, dynamist, development the curriculum, and not dominate
again. Teachers in Indonesia still use expository method, we must promote
discussion, investigation, problem solving, and using teaching aid, and
practice in laboratory. Why the teacher in Indonesia still difficult to
innovation? The answer is because they are still teaching the normal
mathematics or axiomatic. We must move on become mathematics teacher who can
promote school mathematics.
Remember the nature of
mathematics and school mathematics. The nature of mathematics: Mathematics is the search activity patterns and
relationships, Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination,
intuition and invention, Mathematics is problem solving activities, and Mathematics
is a main of communicating. According to (Ebbut and
Straker, 1995) the nature of school mathematics are the student learn Mathematics effectively if they have good
motivation and perception, the student will learn mathematics individually, the
student can learn Mathematics in collaboration with others, and the student
learn Mathematics contextually. About problem solving activities, appropriate
with teachers in Japan who authoritative, dominate, stick out, and delivery
teaching. Learning to be is easy to pronounce but difficult to understanding.
Make mathematics as yourself. Process must be through and must be done.
Learning can called constructivism. All of the problems in our life construct
belief, love, religion, mathematics education, knowledge, etc.
The characteristics of innovative learning
based on students: initiative, apperception, using Student Worksheet, make
portfolio, manipulate teaching aid, assessment of themselves, autodidact,
reflection, and find their own formula. The best method to make
mathematics in Indonesia popular is by follow the International journal of
mathematics education.
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Joko & Porniawati, Sulis. (2011). Upaya
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Ketterlin_Geller, Leanne R., Chard,
David J., and Fien, Hank. (2000).
“Making Connections in Mathematics: Conceptual Mathematics Intervention
for Low-Performing Students: RASE TL & LD” . Remedial and Special Education, Vol. 29 No.1, pp.33-45
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