Senin, 02 April 2012

The Criteria of International Level of Educational Practice Adapted from Paul Ernest

A lot of people give opinion that teacher is a person who teach student. Not only teach the subject but also teach about moral, social, etc. Teacher as parent of students in school, so teacher must make students feel comfortable to study in the school. If students feel boring, teacher must know how to make them feel comfort again.
We know that there are two paradigms about teaching; they are old paradigm and new paradigm. The old or traditional paradigm called teacher-centered where the teacher supposed that the students as empty vessel and be passive students, the teacher transfer of knowledge, give and direct. Make students will always follow teacher’s instruction. For the new paradigm called student-centered, make creative students where suppose that each of students as a seed, who if we give it opportunity, it will grow and develop and on uncertain time will product the fruits. The teacher as the facilitator and the task of teacher is making the students’ active and improve their skills. Students must interest in finding solutions of problems.
For make students become like mathematics according to (Ebbut and Straker, 1995) teachers should not use axiomatic mathematical definition, but defines mathematics as school mathematics. Because the nature of students learn Mathematics are :
1.      The student learn Mathematics effectively if they have good motivation and perception
2.      The student will learn mathematics individually
3.      The student can learn Mathematics in collaboration with others
4.      The student learn Mathematics contextually
And here is the essence of school mathematics: 
1.      Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships   
By give students opportunity to discovery and determine patterns of relationships, to show their experiments premises in various ways. Support the students to develop the sequence, difference, comparison, grouping, and so on. Support the students to make general conclusion and help them understand to find a relationship between understanding one another.
2.       Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
Support the students to get their initiative, to think different.
By worm out of their curiosity, then they desire to ask.
Appreciate their question. Encourage students to think reflexive. Don’t recommend them to use particular method.
3.      Mathematics is problem solving activities
Teacher must stimulate students’ learning mathematical problem. Help students solving mathematical problem using their own way. Help students find the information which need to solve mathematical problems. Make students think logically, consistently, systematically and develop a system of documentation / records. Develop the ability and skills to solve problems. Helps students learn how and when to use various visual aids / media mathematics education such as: term, calculator, etc.  
4.      Mathematics is a main of communicating
Give information to students about the nature of mathematics. Encourage students to justify the need for mathematics activities. Invite them to discuss mathematics problems, to read and write mathematics. Respect the students' mother tongue in talking about mathematics.
We know that the problems of teaching are always different. The innovative teaching or progressive are consist of system, curriculum, syllabus, lesson plan and student worksheet. Principles of teaching mathematics are effective mathematics teaching requires understanding and knowledge students need to learn to attract and sustain them for a good learning, effective learning requires knowledge and understanding of mathematics, students as learners, and education strategies, effective learning requires a class challenging and supportive learning environment, effective learning requires a continuous search for improvement.
Science is process of thinking and social activities. Based on Paul Ernest the aims of teaching mathematics are socially and societally embedded.  There are five interest groups and their aims for mathematics teaching. They are :
1.      Industrial Trainers
The elements are :
-          Politics : radical right
-          Mathematics (Opinion about the nature of mathematics) : body of knowledge
-          Moral value: good vs. bad
-          Theory of teaching: transfer of knowledge
-          Resources: white board, chalk, anti calculator
-          Evaluation: external test
-          Diversity: monoculture
-          Social location: radical ‘New Right’ conservative politicians and petty bourgeois
-          Mathematical aims: acquiring basic mathematical skills and numeracy and social training in obedience (authoritarian, basic skills centered)
2.      Technological Pragmatists
The elements are:
-          Politics: conservative
-          Mathematics: science of truth
-          Moral value: pragmatism
-          Theory of teaching: external motivation
-          Resources: teaching aid
-          Evaluation: external test
-          Diversity : decentralization
-          Social location: Meritocratic industry centered industrialists, manager, etc., New Labour
-          Mathematical aims: Learning basic skills and learning to solve practical problems with mathematics and information technology (industry and work centered)
3.      Old Humanist Mathematicians
The elements are :
-          Politics : conservative / liberal
-          Mathematics : structure of truth
-          Moral value : Hierarchies Paternalistic
-          Theory of teaching : expository
-          Resources : visual teaching aid for motivation
-          Evaluation : external test
-          Diversity : competent  based curriculum
-          Social location : conservative mathematicians preserving rigors of proof and purity of mathematics
-          Mathematical aims : understanding and capability in advanced mathematics, with some appreciation of mathematics (pure mathematics centered)
4.      Progressive Educators
The elements are:
-          Politics : liberal
-          Mathematics : process of thinking
-          Moral value : humanity
-          Theory of teaching : construction, development
-          Resources : various resources
-          Evaluation : Porto-folio, assessment
-          Diversity : multiple solution, local culture
-          Social location :  professionals, liberal educators, welfare state supporters
-          Mathematical aims : graining confidence, creativity and self expression through mathematics (child centered progressives)
5.      Public Educators
The elements are:
-          Politics : democracy
-          Mathematics : social activities
-          Moral value : justice, freedom
-          Theory of teaching : discussion, investigation
-          Resources : social environment
-          Evaluation : Porto-folio, social context
-          Diversity : heterogeneous
-          Social location : democratic socialists and radical reformers concerned with social justice and inequality
-          Mathematical aims : empowerment of learners as critical and mathematically literate citizens in society (empowerment and social justice concerns)
From the different social groups we know that the industrial trainers, technological pragmatists, and old humanist mathematicians are placing their aims in curriculum. In the progressive educators give name the processes of a personal knowledge-application dimension by ‘using and applying mathematics’, which is the National Curriculum attainment targets. For the public educators’ aim, about the development of critical citizenship and empowerment for social change and equality through mathematics (has no part in curriculum development).
Based on Paul, the appreciation of mathematics consist of understanding and having an awareness of its nature and value, as well as understanding and being able to give critic about its social uses. The breadth of knowledge and understanding involved is potentially immense, but a lot of students leave school without ever having been exposed to apply it. The empowered learner will not only be able to pose and solve mathematical questions, but also be able to address important questions relating to the broad range of social uses of mathematics.
Mr. Marsigit, said no matter where and no matter when, we need scheme as container. If we not feel comfort when live in foreign country it means we don’t have scheme. Based Mr. Marsigit, the opinion about nature mathematics as body of knowledge, science of truth, and structure of truth and diversity of monoculture, decentralization, and competent based curriculum is traditional paradigm or teacher centered. National exam is one example of external test in Indonesia, and it’s also traditional. But evaluation like Porto-folio, assessment, social context is innovative. Because can improve students’ ability to be responsible about their learning activity by write down in the porto-folio or called record their working. Social context also make students’ share their own work to their friend. Assessment for evaluate their work, are their answer, process true or false. Example of moral value in industrial trainer is from puppet show, which shows the good and bad value. In the end of the show the good/kind person will win. Then the example from justice freedom of moral value in public educators is social justice for all Indonesians (5th of the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia).
The teachers need to change the paradigm of teaching from traditional paradigm to new paradigm. The teacher as the facilitator and the task of teacher is making the active students. In new paradigm, there are a lot of ways for students to improve the students’ skills and to be active students. The nature of learning mathematics is interaction among the students and the teachers. Development of mathematical learning has a good impact for students, but in the implementation of teachers found several problems. It was a task for the teacher to solve the problem of learning mathematics through improving the competence of teachers, resulting in students who are really smart and high quality. 

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